prejektierung retro fit

Project planning

SRE supports you in the re-planning of your plants. Within our project management, we support you in the procurement, conception, construction, and development of your new machine.


Development & construction of new products

Our many years of experience enable us to recognize and implement your wishes and requirements.

Prototype and plant engineering

Realizing ideas - that's our specialty. Constructing individually tailored prototypes for a planned machine or module and the subsequent realization of the finished systems round off our range of services.

Installation of new systems

SRE not only handles the machine installation but also services related to the assembly and relocation of production facilities.


After completion of all previous steps, commissioning takes place. An acceptance report documents the reliable execution for your safety.

Production support

During the start-up phase of a new plant, we support you with our technical staff during production.

Conception of new processes

Innovations are always in demand, especially for creating new processes in industrial production. We develop concepts to achieve your goals.

Siemens solution partnership

You take advantage of our partnership with Siemens through the intensive exchange of knowledge and experience between our experts and those of the partner company.

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DIN Certified

Since 2000, we have implemented a quality management system that meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015. This system serves to avoid errors, has a transparent organizational and cost structure, and helps us to maintain and improve our quality standard.

cad elektrotechnik

Design with 3D-CAD software

Creation of layouts

Construction of complex components and assemblies
Drawing department and creation of piece lists
schaltplanentwicklung sre

Schematic development

Besides the legal requirement, it is essential to keep the circuit diagram up-to-date for control engineering.

Contact us

We can help you with any questions about maintenance or optimization you may have.
